- A research and development workplace is an integral part of SIGMA VVÚ; its main task is to continuously improve the quality of sigma pumping technology. Research and development is provided by more than 70 experienced employees. They deal with increasing the technical and technological level with an orientation on increasing the service life, durability, safety and especially the efficiency of individual types of pumps. The development also includes innovations in the field of design and new special applications reflecting individual customer needs.
The R&D facility has its own testing laboratory, a wide range of numerical simulation software programmes and other technological devices for experimental measurement, such as a cavitation tunnel.
Výzkum a vývoj u nás v podniku
CFDs and FEM analyses
Nabízíme možnost využití našich We offer the possibility of using our experience in the long-term use of numerical modelling tools in the field of flow and structural analysis (CFDs and FEM).
Hydraulic testing laboratory
Součástí zkušební základny je i vývojová zkušebna, která slouží především k tThe test base also includes a development hydraulic testing laboratory, which is primarily used for testing models of newly developed and modernised types of SIGMA pumps.
VaV Projects
V rámci podpory VaV jsme řešiteli řady projektů v rámci výzev MPO, TAČR, MŠMT či MV. Aplikovaný výzkum stojí za řadou inovací na poli čerpací techniky.