Filter Selection Guide
What types of filters are there? What can they protect your airways from? What do the individual letters and colored markers on the filter label indicate? What does the life of the filter in use depend on?
Protective filters – Catalog
SIGMA brand protective filters represent
At present, it is at the forefront of respiratory protection and reliably prevents threats to human life and health in industrial sectors or in the ranks of rescue and armed forces.

Protective filter MOF – 6 combined
Combined protective filter with a particle element used for protection against wide range of industrial gases and aerosols supplemented by the captue of mercury vapors. Suitable for industrial use.

Protective filter MOF – 6 gas filter
Gas filter without filter insert, used to catch only gases without particles. Suitable for industrial use. Lower breathing resistance compared to the combined filter.

Protective filter OF-90 NBC
A civilian version of a military combined filter that meets the strictest criteria for protection against chemical warfare agents. Medium level of protection against idustrial gases. Lightweight filter, siutable for combination with mask and half mask.

Protective filter OF-02 CBRN
Combined protective filter providig the highest possible protection. Capture of industrial and military gases, including phsgene, body made of special plastic certified for ustard penetration. It has a capture of dust, aerosol, bacteria and viruses of at least 99.995%. Possibility of connection to a filter medium with auxiliary ventilation.

Protective filter P3 R
Particle protective filter with hydrophobic insert used to capture biological, toxic and radioactive solid and liquid particles, dust, aerosols, microorganisms, bacteria and viruses at least 99,995%, so it falls into the FFP3 category. The filter can be heat sterilized. Possibility of connection to a filter medium with auxilary ventilation.

Full-face mask HORIZONT
Together with a suitable filter or breathing apparatus, it protects the face, eyes and respiratory system from the effects of danferous substances. It provides reliable protection in a temperature range of -30 °C to +70 °C. The large paranomican lens ensures very good spatial orientation with minimal distortion during normal activities.

Polomaska PM-1
Compact PM-1 half mask with an excellent performance / price ratio. Possibility of use with particle filters or with OF-90 NBC filter.