PPCA – Floating portable pump unit


Floating portable pump unit PPCA is designed as a fire protection intervention device used primarily to fill tank cars from a natural source, to pump water from flooded areas and for emergency extinguishing. It can be also used in agriculture, in water and sewer network failures, for efficient aeration of tanks, etc. The unit can also draw polluted water with impurities with grain sizes up to 15 mm in diameter. It can pump up to a minimum height of 20 mm, and it can work even without liquid without seizing or overheating the unit.


The floating portable pump is lightweight and compact. A four-stroke, air-cooled spark-ignition engine powers the floating pump.

  • For lower parameters HONDA GCV 170 (166 cm3, 3.6 kW)
  • for higher parameters and professional use HONDA GXV 160 (163 cm3, 3.2 kW)
  • for higher parameters HONDA GCV 200 (201cm3, 4.2 kW)
  • for the best parameters and professional use HONDA GXV 340 (337cm3, 6.6 kW)

The pump is centrifugal, single-stage with a discharge port with a diameter of 50 mm.

Hlavní technické parametry plovoucího čerpadla PPCA:

Pohonná jednotka:HONDA GCV 160HONDA GXV 160
Průtok Q [l . s-1]0-14,5 (max. 870 l . min-1)0-14,5 (max. 870 l . min-1)
Dopravní výška H [m]18 až 018 až 0
Celková hmotnost [kg]2329
Rozměry – délka/šířka/výška675x515x425730x590x430
Palivobezolovnatý benzín Natural BA 91 a vyššíbezolovnatý benzín Natural BA 91 a vyšší
Spotřeba paliva [l / h]1,1 l / h1,3 l / h

Pracovní charakteristiky plovoucího čerpadla s motorem GCV 160 a GXV 160

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