PKC-H – Return sludge pumps


The PKC-H pump is intended for the pumping of return sludge or for internal sludge recirculation in sewage treatment plants. It can also be used to pump slightly polluted water into irrigation and drainage channels and wherever more water is required at low traffic altitude.

Specifications of the pumped liquid:

  • polluted water, sludge
  • ammine content: max. 15% of total weight
  • particle size: soft lumpy particles up to max. ø50 mm, fibrous particles
  • density: max. 1050 kg.m-3
  • temperature: max. 40°C
  • pH range: 4 – 8.5


Simple pump design with bearing lubricated by a pumped medium. The pump is designed for vertical installation in pipes with a flange joint or into a free level. The shape of the impeller blades and the arrangement of the interior space of the pump is suitably designed for pumping liquids containing fibrous contaminants. The pump is propelled by a vertical flange electric motor with a reinforced bottom bearing and hood protection.

Material design

Pump body               –              korstainless steel
Shaft                          –              stainless steell
Impeller                     –              stainless steel

Hlavní technické parametry

Typ – čerpadlo PKCH 70H 100H 150H 201H 201-D
Průtok čerpadla Q [l/s]0,5-32-6,54-1514,5-39,57,5-39,5
Dopravní výška čerpadla H [m]0,37-0,020,52-0,010,54-0,060,55-0,050,69-0,05
Příkon motoru P [kW]0,550,750,751,11,1
Otáčky čerpadla n [1/min]13851385945695695
Hmotnost čerpadla m [kg]1825507580
Průměr vrtule d [mm]6088146208208
Vnitřní průměr tělesa D [mm]6494150213213
Jmenovitý proud I [A]1,61,92,14,24,2
Jmenovité napětí U [V]3×4003×4003×4003×4003×400
Jmenovitý kmitočet f [Hz]5050505050

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