SIGMA Výzkumný a vývojový ústav, s.r.o. is participating in the project Calculation Simulations for Efficient Low-Energy Energy, the main researcher of which is the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of VUT.
Extension information can be found on VUT
Project name: Calculation simulations for efficient low-energy energy
Registration number: CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_026/0008392
Charakteristika projektu: Projekt je zaměřen na rozvoj dlouhodobé spolupráce v oblasti využití výpočtových simulací v energetice mezi vProject characteristics: The project is aimed at developing long-term cooperation in the field of the use of calculation simulations in energy between the research organization BUT FSI – NETME Centre and partners from industry (spol. TENZA, a.s., SIGMA Výzkumný a vývojový ústav, s.r.o., ČKD Blansko Engineering, a.s.) and municipal services (Teplárna Brno, a.s.). The subject of the project and cooperation is the development of simulation models and methodological procedures for the application of calculation simulations in various energy areas.
SIGMA Výzkumný a vývojový ústav, s.r.o. is involved in the project Hydrodynamic Pump Design, the main researcher of which is the Centre hydraulického výzkumu s.r.o.
NProject name: : Hydrodynamic pump design
Registration number: CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/17_049/0008408
Project characteristics: The project combines the many years of experience of CENTRUM HYDRAULICKÉHO VÝZKUMU with the scientific potential of Palacký University and other partners in a qualitatively new grouping for long-term intersectoral cooperation. It envisages the participation of scientists from the international environment, namely Finland, China and Russia, and the activities of a commercial partner, sigma group holding, providing prerequisites for the successful use of knowledge from the implementation of the project in industrial practice.